By Erin Lindsay
01st Jun 2018
01st Jun 2018
Imagine it’s a typical weekday evening. You’ve had a long day and want nothing more than a glass of wine and a gossip with your friends to take the edge off the day. You get on the Whatsapp group. “Work event”. “Washing my hair”. “Drowning in nappies”. You sigh and put the wine back in the press. Maybe next week.
We as women are being represented in the media like never before. All day, we read about female issues, politics, feminism and pop culture, with new opinions being thrown out all the time. We come across one-liners that really speak to us, or a subject that piques our interest. But we need time to unpack it all, and to sit down and chat it out with our like-minded friends.
IMAGE’s podcast The Spill centres around just that – women talking it out. Our hosts, resident agony aunts Rhona McAuliffe and Sophie White, discuss what’s been going on in their lives that week, what’s been affecting women everywhere and their thoughts on the issues facing feminism today.
The format of the Spill is simple; every two weeks, Rhona and Sophie sit down together and have a catch-up. They discuss two big subjects that have been rolling around their minds for the past couple of weeks and unpack their feelings around it, good or bad. These subjects could be anything from plastic surgery to personal safety, designer vaginas to bullet journaling – anything that you and your girlfriends have ranted about, they’re ranting too.
Our hosts then move on to answer a worry from one of our IMAGE readers. Rhona writes an Agony Aunt column on IMAGE.ie every week, entitled Hit Me Up, where she answers anonymous pleas for help on everything from how to handle overbearing in-laws, to what to do when your sex drive has dropped. Rhona and Sophie, often with totally different perspectives, do their best to advise the inquisitive reader and hopefully solve their problem.
Everyone and their mother has a new favourite podcast these days. And there are so many Irish podcast for women. But who wants to spend their commute listening to a murder mystery or learning about how engineering works? You could be spending that bus journey home with an imaginary glass of Merlot, giggling along with two of the coolest pod-hosts going.
The Spill is available on all good podcast platforms and you can read your bi-monthly catch up here on IMAGE.ie with every new episode. Dive in now: