We need to get off these apps
We need to get off these apps

Holly O'Neill

WIN a KIND Protein goodie bag to keep you nourished this January
WIN a KIND Protein goodie bag to keep you nourished this January


The extension to this Georgian home beautifully blends old and new
The extension to this Georgian home beautifully blends old and new

Megan Burns

The art of living and dying (well)
The art of living and dying (well)

Lizzie Gore-Grimes

Irish conductor Elaine Kelly on her Grammy nomination and challenging tradition in classical music
Irish conductor Elaine Kelly on her Grammy nomination and challenging tradition in classical music

Sarah Finnan

How to set boundaries and say no
How to set boundaries and say no

Niamh Ennis

Inside the ground-floor apartment on the grounds of Sean Connery’s former Bray home 
Inside the ground-floor apartment on the grounds of Sean Connery’s former Bray home 

Sarah Finnan

Planning to prioritise your career in 2025? This event is perfect for anyone considering a Business Masters or MBA
Planning to prioritise your career in 2025? This event is perfect for anyone considering a...

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Dietician Michelle Butler shares her life in food
Dietician Michelle Butler shares her life in food

Sarah Gill

Welcome to 2025: The return of Trump, toxic masculinity and a world on the edge
Welcome to 2025: The return of Trump, toxic masculinity and a world on the edge

Edaein OConnell

Image / Editorial

Furniture, Homeware & Accessories

11th Apr 2013
Furniture, Homeware & Accessories

Yellow furniture

31 CHAPEL LANE 087 753 9872; 31chapellane.com

AFTER NOAH 0044 020 7359 4281;?afternoah.com

A. RUBANESQUE 01 672 9243;?arubanesque.ie

AOKI INTERIORS 051 614545;?aokiinteriors.ie

AM COLLECTIONS?amcollections.com

ANDREW RYAN FURNITURE 053 942 1585;?andrewryan.ie

ANTHONY CLEARY 087 210 0734;?anthonycleary.com

ANTHROPOLOGIE 00800 0026 8476;?anthropologie.eu

APRIL AND THE BEAR?aprilandthebear.com

ARGOS 0044 846 640 3030;?argos.ie

ARTICLE 01 679 9268;?articledublin.com

ART & HOBBY 046 907 2568;?artnhobby.ie

ATELIER ABIGAIL AHERN 0044 207 354 8181;?atelierabigailahern.com

AVOCA 01 274 6900;?avoca.ie

BEACON SOUTH QUARTER?beaconsouthquarter.com

BEAR BICYCLES 01 674 7849;?bear-bicycles.com

BELLAKOOLA bellakoola.com

BENDECK HOME 0044 845 603 0861;?bedeckhome.com

BEN PENTREATH 0044 207 430 2526;?benpentreath.com

BEVEL FUNRITURE 051 397 463;?bevelfurniture.com

BO CONCEPT 01 293 2008;?boconcept.ie

BLACK ROOSTER DECOR blackroosterdecor.com

BLOOMINGVILLE 0045 962 64 645;?bloomingville.dk

BUSHELL INTERIORS 01 671 0044;?bushellinteriors.com

BUSYBEES FURNITURE 01 454 8871;?furniturerecyclingdublin.com

BROWN THOMAS 01 605 6666;?brownthomas.com

CATH KIDSTON 01 296 4430;?cathkidston.eu

CILLIAN JOHNSTON 087 238 5719;?cillianjohnston.com

CONRAN SHOP at Arnotts, 01 805 0400;?arnotts.ie

COX & COX ?0044 844 858 0744;?coxandcox.com

CLEARYS 01 878 6000;?clerys.ie

CULT FURNITURE 0044 208 185 6960; cultfurniture.com

DEBENHAMS 0818 784 877;?debenhams.ie

DESIGNERS GUILDS For stockists, 0044 207 351 5775;?designersguild.com

DESIGNIST 01 475 8534;?designist.ie

DONOVAN WALSH DESIGN 086 602 1880;?donovanwalshdesign.com

DORIS AND BORIS 0044 149 182 2636; olly-london.co.uk

DOTCOMGIFTSHOP 0044 208 746 2473; dotcomgiftshop.com

DOWN2EARTH MATERIALS 1890 757 757; down2earthmaterials.ie

EBAY ebay.ie

DUNNES STORES 01 289 2677; dunnesstores.com


EDEN HOME & GARDEN 01 764 2004;?edenhomeandgarden.ie


FLAMANT 0032 544 154 75;?flamant.com

FLEXFORM at Minima, 01 633 7716;?minima.ie

FLORALLANA 087 683 9294

FOLLY 0044 145 563 1984;?follyhome.co.uk

FORMALITY 01 280 8071;?formalityonline.com

FOSCARINI at Minima, 01 633 7716;?minima.ie

FINLINE FURNITURE 057 862 9219;?finlinefurniture.ie

GARRENDENNY LANE 086 105 1007;?garrendennylane.com

GARRY SCOTT HAYWARD 01 628 8352;?garryscotthayward.com

GLOBAL VILLAGE 01 405 5035;?globalvillage.ie

HABITAT 0044 844 499 4686;?habitat.co.uk

HANS LEPTIEN 027 74462;?handsonfurniture.ie

HARRODS 0044 208 479 5100;?harrods.com

HAUS 0044 207 536 9291;?hauslondon.com

HEDGEROE LIVING WITH DESIGN 01 294 8932;?hedgeroe.com

HELEN TURKINGTON 01 412 5138;?helenturkington.com

HOUSE OF FRASER 01 299 1400;?houseoffraser.co.uk

HOUSE OF HACKNEY 0044 207 613 5559; houseofhackney.com

HOWARDS STORAGE WORLD 01 294 8003;?hsw.ie

HUDSON FURNITURE?hudsonfurnitureinc.com

HUNKYDORY HOME; 0044 191 645 4004;?hunkydoryhome.com

INDUSTRY 01 613 9111; industrydesign.ie

INREDA 01 4760362;?inreda.ie

IRISH DESIGN SHOP 01 679 8871; irishdesignshop.com

ISAMU NOGUCHI at The Conran Shop, Arnotts, 01 805 0400;?arnotts.ie

IT?S NICE THAT 0044 207 739 5222; itsnicethat.com

JIM LAWRENCE 0044 1473 826 685;?jim-lawrence.co.uk

JOSEPH JOSEPH 0044 207 261 1800;?josephjoseph.com

KINGCOME SOFAS 01 653 1650;?kingcomesofas.co.uk

KIRK MODERN 087 2600789;?kirkmodern.com

KITCHEN COMPLEMENTS 01 677 0734,?kitchencomplements.ie

LA FIBULE at Ski Interiors,?skiinteriors.ie

LAURA ASHLEY 01 633 0050;?lauraashley.com

LE FIBULE DES TH?S 01 670 8752

LIBERTY 0044 207 734 1234;?liberty.co.uk

LIDL 022 50593;?lidl.ie

LITTLE GREENE PAINT COMPANY 0044 161 230 0880;?littlegreene.com

LITTLEWOODS IRELAND 011 811 2222;?littlewoodsireland.ie

LOMI 01 839 7001;?lomi.ie

LOST WEEKEND 01 275 5818;?lostweekend.ie

LUCK & LUCK 0044 175 288 1930; luckandluck.co.uk

MADE 0845 557 6888;?made.com

MADEINDESIGN 0044 207 261 1800;?madeindesign.com

MAKERS & BROTHERS ?01 663 8080;?makersandbrothers.com

MARKS & SPENCER 01 679 7855;?marksandspencer.ie

MAYPOLE INTERIORS 0044 283 026 4689;?maypoleinteriors.com

ME AULD CHINA 086 833 5253;?meauldchina.com

MEADOWS & BYRNE 01 280 4554;?meadowsandbyrne.com

MIMOSA 01 269 8000

MINIMA 01 633 7716;?minima.ie

MISSONI at 0044 113 369 8040;?selfridges.com;?missoni.com

MUJI 01 679 4591;?muji.eu

MUUTO 0045 3296 9899;?muuto.com

NEPTUNE 0044 1796 427 427;?neptune.com

NEXT 01 885 0040;?next.co.uk

NINA CAMPBELL 0044 207 225 1011;?ninacampbell.com

NOT ON THE HIGH STREET?notonthehighstreet.com

NORMANN COPENHAGEN?normann-copenhagen.com

O’DRISCOLL FURNITURE 01 671 1096;?oddesign.com

ORIOR BY DESIGN 048 026 2620;?oriorbydesign.com

ORLA KIELY 0044 207 240 4022; orlakiely.com

OXFAM HOME 01 402 0555;?oxfamireland.org

PAPERCHASE at Arnotts 01 805 0400;?paperchase.co.uk

PEDLARS 0044 133 085 0400;?pedlars.co.uk

PENNEYS 01 888 0500;?primark.ie

PHILIPPE STARCK at The Conran Shop at Arnotts, 01 805 0400;?arnotts.ie

PLUMO 0044 844 557 3590;?plumo.com

PIP STUDIO 0031 208 807 300;?pipstudio.com

PRETTY LITTLE PARTY SHOP prettylittlepartyshop.co.uk

RALPH PUCCI?ralphpucci.net

RE 0044143 463 4567;?re-foundobjects.com

RED EARTH 0044 939 0370;?redearthireland.com

RED DOG/THE STORE?reddogthestore.com

RICE 0045 6311 3530;?rice.dk

ROCHE BOBOIS 01 653 1650;?roche-bobois.com

ROCKETT ST GEORGE 0044 144 425 3391; rockettstgeorge.co.uk

ROSS?S AUCTION HOUSE 048 9032 5448;?ross.com

SANTA COLE at Roomspace Ltd, 01 286 4995;?santacole.com

SELFRIDGES 0044 113 369 8040;?selfridges.com

SHUTTERS OF IRELAND 01 497 0422;?shuttersofireland.com

SISTERS GUILD 0044 01373 455 080; sistersguild.co.uk

SNUG 045 404 441; snug.ie

STOCK 01 679 4317

STUDIO 44 ?01 296 4208;?studio44.ie

TK MAXX 01 207 4789;?tkmaxx.com

THE CONTEMPORARY HOME 0044 845 130 8229:?tch.net

THE BLUE DOOR 01 525 3406;?thebluedoor.ie

THE FRENCH ETIQUETTE 01 287 2547;?etsy.com/shop/TheFrenchEtiquette

THE LOFT 087 684 5416;?theloft.ie

THE OAK ROOM 0044 199 250 1040; oakroomshop.co.uk

THE OLD MOULD COMPANY 01 281 2161;?oldmould.com

THE POTTERS YARD 051 563 377;?thepottersyard.com

THE SOFA FACTORY 01 454 6877;?thesofafactory.com


TOAST 0044 844 557 5200;?toast.co.uk

TOLIX 0033 385 869 670;?tolix.fr

TWENTYTWENTYONE 0044 207 7837 1900;?twentytwentyone.com

UPSIDE DESIGN STUDIO 087 237 0949;?upside.ie

URBAN OUTFITTERS 01 670 6202;?urbanoutfitters.co.uk

ZARA 01 407 0714;?zarahome.com