By Jennifer McShane
22nd Nov 2015
22nd Nov 2015
As we are of an era in which women are partial to being body shammed one way or another, the only thing to do to attempt to get this appalling behaviour to cease is to speak out about it.
Public figures, in particular, are no longer willing to take viral abuse quietly; now they speak out amongst their thousands of social media followers, hoping to cement further that such behaviour is never okay. The latest female to do so is True Blood actress, Anna Paquin.
Unfortunately, it’s an all-too-familiar story – after the star had attended the premiere for The Good Dinosaur in a pretty floral-themed dress that wasn’t skin tight, speculation began about whether or not she could be pregnant. And thus the sadly inevitable, insulting comments about her weight began.
The 33-year-old Oscar winner wore a beautiful black dress with a full skirt to the Hollywood premiere last week. It was a pretty ensemble, and she and husband, fellow True Blood star Stephen Moyer looked very happy. However, the actress was not willing to let her evening (or herself) be blighted by such abusive comments and proceeded to take down the online trolls with some well-worded tweets.
Fun fact: Wearing a dress that is not skintight=Pregnant/invites people 2 call u fat. I’m neither so thanks 4 that pic.twitter.com/TZ960m8pPk
? Anna Paquin (@AnnaPaquin) November 18, 2015
Sharing a photo of herself with Moyer, the actress said: ?Fun fact: Wearing a dress that is not skintight=Pregnant/invites people 2 call u fat. I’m neither so thanks 4 that.? Her comment was liked and shared hundreds of times with other users lending words of support.
dear mother nature, people who bravely hide behind computers and pass judgement have informed me my pale skin and dark hair=old/ugle/harsh – Anna Paquin (@AnnaPaquin) November 18, 2015
Paquin proceeded to call out the bullies for what they are; online trolls hiding behind computer screens, simply intent on insulting others. Though she added that she appreciated the positive support from others.
This isn’t a new topic for the award-winning actress, as she?has spoken about the pressure on female body shape in the past.
?Its one of those things that’s instilled in you, that it’d be really unfortunate for you to not fit the sample size. I think that’s a shame,? she said.
?If you’re not in shape, and you don’t look a certain way you might not get the parts you want. If the character is written as hot and fit, yeah, of course, you feel some pressure to make sure you look that way, whether that’s right or wrong.?
sorry if this feels like blatant compliment fishing, really not my intention but do appreciate the love xo
? Anna Paquin (@AnnaPaquin) November 18, 2015
?I wish it wasn’t an aspect of the job, but I’d be lying if I said it isn’t something I think about,? she said.
The actress should be commended for standing united with fellow female celebrities?and not letting such haters win.