Overconfidence is widening the gender pay gap…again
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by Victoria Stokes
01st Aug 2023
01st Aug 2023
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New reports have found that ‘overconfidence’ is a key driving force in the gender gap in leadership by age 42, while “Ireland’s motherhood penalty” means single mothers are less likely than single fathers to successfully navigate salary negotiations. So, what’s going on and what can we do about it?
How many times have you held back your bright ideas or second-guessed putting yourself forward for a promotion even though you’re well able? Here’s another question: how often have you seen male colleagues receive promotions quicker than their female peers? Perhaps you even have a sneaking suspicion they’re getting paid more than you too. According to a new study, ‘overconfidence’ is a metric that’s causing men to get ‘top jobs’ faster than women. In fact,...
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