By Jennifer McShane
12th Jul 2015
12th Jul 2015
Mila Kunis and Aston Kutcher happen to be our favourite couple at the moment. The world let out a happy sigh when it was reported?that the pair had wed last weekend, and now Kunis has given use a glimpse into motherhood and life with hubby Ashton, who is eager to be a hands-on dad.
In an interview with The Telegraph, Kunis said that her partner, who she said is just ?brilliant? has offered to change every nappy to “form a special bond” with his little girl. Hands up all the mammies who would like their other halves to take a leaf out of Kutcher’s book and do the same?
?My husband is an incredible hands-on dad,? she said. ?When my child was born, I was breastfeeding and he said, ?That’s your connection, I want to change every diaper.? Aw! And he’s not even afraid to venture into the ladies room to do this if needs must.
?When we’re in public, if there’s a pee-pee diaper you can change her at the table, but if it’s a poo-poo diaper you don’t want to affect the people eating. So he’s like, ?Err, I guess I’m going to the ladies? room to do it.?? That’s one of the ways we think you’ll know you’ve found a keeper ladies.
ICYMI: Ashton Kutcher And Mila Kunis Get Married
In the interview, this is the first time that Kunis has confirmed her marriage to Kutcher. The pair wed last weekend, despite reports that they had married earlier in the year, following the announcement of their engagement. She added that her career had taken a backseat since the birth of their nine-month-old daughter Wyatt Isabelle.
?I don’t live to work; I work to live,? she said. ?I never took my career too seriously before. After becoming a mum, I definitely don’t.? She also said she has remained grounded, despite her career in the public eye and credits her parents and her role in That 70s Show for doing exactly that.
?I was [there from age] 14 to 22. I could’ve gone in either direction. But nobody did drugs or was an alcoholic. [My older co-stars] said, ‘Drugs are stupid.’ And I’d be like, ‘Oh yeah, drugs are really dumb.’? She says she ‘reminisces? about €70s, and we’re sure it brings back a happy memory or two for her. It was, after all, where she got to know Kutcher, with whom she had her first proper kiss (though it was on screen). The pair were firm friends but didn’t really get together until 2012, and now the rest is history.
She said she might sit down with her daughter one day to give her a glimpse of how her parents met. ??’Mummy and Daddy worked together for eight years. This is how they met each other. Let’s look at it, honey.’ We were even each other’s prom dates on the show.? It doesn’t get more romantic than that.
Via The Telegraph