By Jennifer McShane
25th May 2017
25th May 2017
Diarmuid Gavin, award-winning gardener and TV personality, has officially launched his acclaimed Chelsea Flower Show Garden at Dundrum Town Centre.
Diarmuid’s vision for his ?Garden of Pure Imagination? was sparked as he strolled through another flower show with a friend who remarked that one of the elements was ?Very Heath Robinson?, making reference to the English cartoonist and illustrator best known for his drawing of ridiculously complicated machines and contraptions.
Gleaning inspiration from the renowned illustrator, he began to design the garden with the intricate and complex mechanics of Robinson’s work in mind. As the garden began to take shape, so did he took further inspiration from the surreal fantasy of Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory.
With seven moving parts, the tranquil garden will transform into a whirlwind of mechanical magic every fifteen minutes. Flowerbeds will rise from the ground, trees will twirl, a wooden shed will come to life full of cogs and gardening gadgets and 12 box balls will dance around.
Dundrum Town Centre’s ?Garden of Pure Imagination?, located in the Pembroke district, is officially open now.
The garden will be open to the public during the summer, seven days a week in accordance with the centre opening hours. The attraction is free of charge to visitors and suitable for all ages.