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Image / Competitions

WIN a hamper of delicious Sparkling Tea

16th Nov 2018
WIN a hamper of delicious Sparkling Tea

‘How would you like your tea?’

‘Sparkling, please – always!’

Copenhagen Sparkling Tea Company is what the name says, a Copenhagen-based company who produce Sparkling Tea.

Sparkling Tea is a somewhat new type of beverage.

Their teas are all made from a cuvee of teas which is made exactly the same way you make a cuvee of grapes when producing sparkling wine.

Sparkling Tea use the finest organic ingredients and their entire process is overseen by carefully selected staff who produce the World’s best low and non-alcoholic beverage.

The lovely people at Sparkling Tea co. are giving you the chance to win a hamper of delicious Sparkling Tea.

For your chance to win, simply enter your details below.

Fill out my online form.