29th Oct 2017
Consider the turtleneck: the 90’s staple loved by everyone from Gwen Stefani, and Missy Elliot, to Kate Moss and Kim K. It has become a’dominant part of our autumnal wardrobes; so much so that granny-chic is a bona fide thing now. But it hasn’t been hugely reimagined, and repetition can start to feel stale. Here are five clever and simple ways to revamp your roll neck this autumn.
Make It A Statement
Go for gold and make your roll neck the dramatic feature of your ensemble. Indian womenswear designer Manish Arora uses the neckline as the focal point of his pieces; making for a dramatic and eye-catching addition. Layer up necklaces or get creative with beading and embroidery to customise your own statement roll-neck.
Layer It Up
It won’t be long until our wardrobes say farewell to light, breezy summer vibes and hello to heavy cotton and warm coats. In the interim though, layering with roll necks is a chic way to add sophistication and warmth to your autumnal wardrobe. An oversized shirt, jumper, or t-shirt (even your boyfriends!) is all you need to give this look a go (track pants and heels are optional).
Go Sporty?
Working out in a roll neck? I’m not mad. It might not seem like the most viable option to wear for working out in, but when your roll neck is swapped for light, airy, and breathable material, it becomes the perfect throw-over post gym session. I love this Monki sheer scuba neck blouse (€35), which ticks all of the above boxes.
Go Long, Go Short
August and September are prime non-essential tight-wearing months which is why it’s the perfect time to try the long-short trend: long sleeves paired with a sophisticated, A-line mini is the perfect way to do early morning coffee meetings, lunch outside on the terrace, or dinner after hours. Add punchy accessories for extra lady-killer vibes.
Don’t bother dumping your old roll neck (save the planet, reduce fast fashion etc. etc.). Instead, invest in some colourful fabric markers and give your old jumper a modern update. I love this creative Dior-inspired slogan and heart design which is simple and cheap to recreate.Pinterest is the perfect tool to help you on your DIY way.
Shop our favourite roll neck edit in our gallery above.