19th Feb 2022
Has a butterfly or a white feather ever landed in front of you and you wondered who might be trying to make contact with you? Not that long ago I was a little worried that I was becoming obsessed with seeing signs in everything, and so I put this question into Google: ‘What does it mean when you keep seeing signs?’
What came up was this: “These tricks of the mind – usually referred to as confirmation bias – can make anything seem deliberate. We unconsciously seek information out and then ascribe meaning to it. The real truth about seeing “signs” is that people often only look for them – or think they are seeing them – when they are uncertain.”
I’m not all that sure that I agreed with this entire definition but I am sure that they were right about the confirmation bias; we can interpret signs to mean whatever it is that we want them to mean. It also made me realise that my looking out for signs and what meaning I ascribe to them, has in reality given me enormous comfort throughout the years.
As someone who has experienced a number of close bereavements, especially in the early days, I would ask and wait for signs that the person I was grieving over wasn’t totally gone. Admittedly, I already possessed a strong belief that when we die our spirit continues to live on and so I was the perfect candidate to bargain with the universe to send me signs to let me know that they were close by. Now, I won’t try and tell you that I received signs from them all, but I did receive some very strong signs that justified my intense curiosity and provided me with some reassurance.
I know that naysayers and sceptics will say that these they were just coincidences and that my desire to see them was so strong that I created what it was I wanted. And you know what, maybe they’re right! But some of the signs I’ve received over the years have been about far more than lights switching on and off or photos falling off walls!
When it comes down to it only you know whether you are open to the belief that the universe sends you signs all the time and if you are, then only you know the meaning it carries. Different things provide comfort to different people and you have to find what works best for you. I know some who fully engage with mediums when they want to speak to their loved ones on the other side. I’ve never felt brave enough to do this, maybe out of fear of what they might say to me!
Seeing signs and being superstitious for many can be interlinked. I’m not all that superstitious; I have no issue with Friday 13th, I don’t mind walking under ladders or with opening umbrellas indoors! Although I will confess that there was a time when I would go chasing through gardens, in search of the elusive second magpie, until I discovered that in fact, magpies’ mate for life, so if you see one on their own, it means they are most likely more sad than you will be! Outside of superstition though, what kind of signs should you be watching for and what could it mean if you see them. These are just a few that resonate with me, you may have your own.
Repeated Numbers
From numerology to angel numbers the interest in 1111 comes from the belief that different numbers carry specific energetic vibrations. In the case of 1111, or variations 11 or 111, the number 1 is always about new beginnings, new cycles and new phases in our lives.
Whether you keep catching the time at 11:11, or see 1111 on car registrations or in phone numbers why not take it as a good sign? The same can be said for 222 or 333 – they’ve all worked magic for me.
I pay huge attention, in particular, to dates. 02.02.2022 had felt like it was going to be an important date to me for a long time and it turned out that it very much was. It always feels like I’m connecting and willing to listen to my intuition more intently on dates of significance and can be seen as validation that I’m on the right track thinking how I’m thinking and doing what I’m doing. It nudges me to trust myself so much more.
When researching for this piece, these cute little red-breasted birds were mentioned more than anything else. ‘I always feel my granny is near when they appear at the kitchen window’, or ‘my dad loved this bird so I feel it’s him letting us know he’s okay’. All comforting suggestions. Yet some people believe that if the robin starts tapping at your window it could mean something very different and could be interpreted as a sign of imminent death in the family.
I believe that our red breasted friends serve as a spiritual bridge connecting the heavenly and terrestrial realms. In literature they are commonly utilised as angels’ messengers to reassure us that we’re not alone and that someone is looking out for us. So, for that reason, for me, they are a sign of hope.
Orbs Present in Photos
Orbs are best described as transparent balls of light energy. Have you taken a photograph on your phone but on closer inspection find that it’s covered with shapes that definitely weren’t present when you took it? Is it a sign from a loved on the other side or is it a technical glitch? I can hear the photographers amongst you shouting ‘it’s called backscatter’, the technical term that describes how the light can capture particles in the air that are mostly invisible to the naked eye, but unsurprisingly, in utter defiance, I believe it’s someone from the other side just letting me know that they are around and minding me.
So, what is it that makes one person a die-hard believer and another person a sceptic? Honestly, it all comes down to the individual. I also believe it depends on your personal life experiences. I needed to believe that there is a life beyond this one. I don’t think I could process all of my losses if I didn’t. I wasn’t able to accept that they could all have been here one minute and gone the next, that just wouldn’t work for me and so looking for and believing in signs served to give me some comfort and I make no apologies for that.
I fully acknowledge this doesn’t apply to everyone and that’s okay too. But when you believe, signs seem to show up everywhere, so why not try it out? Ask and see what shows up. Open your mind and you might even find that in doing so, you’re also opening the door to all sorts of new possibilities.
Niamh Ennis is Ireland’s leading Transformation Coach and Writer. She’s known for her practical solutions to life’s challenges and her ability to tell you not what you want to hear but always what you need. Niamh is currently accepting applications for her 2022 The RESET for Change 3 Month 1:1 Private Coaching Programme. She is also host of the TOUGH LOVE ENERGY™ Podcast. Find her on Instagram @1niamhennis or visit