By Holly O'Neill
17th Feb 2017
17th Feb 2017
Peter Capaldi announced last month he would stand down as Doctor Who,?and now Tilda Swinton is rumoured to replace him. Ladbrokes have tipped her as?4/1 to be the first woman to play the role.
She’s taken several roles not necessarily written for women and has been something of a shapeshifter in previous roles, from a gender neutral dystopian politician in Snowpiercer, a bleached-brow witch in C.S. Lewis’ Narnia‘series, as Orlando in Sally Potter’s adaptation of Virginia Woolf’s Orlando, a controversial casting as The Ancient One, a role written for a Tibetan man in Doctor Strange?and arguably her least recognisable role as the blonde and false-tanned magazine editor Dianna in Amy Schumer’s Trainwreck.
Similar to the misogyny madness that took over with the announcement of an all-female Ghostbusters remake, people are pretty concerned that Tilda Swinton’s vagina could ruin the whole show.
The show about the adventures of an extraterrestrial?Time Lord called “The Doctor” from the planet Gallifrey, who explores the universe in a time-travelling space ship called the TARDIS. Do they not realise how completely unrealistic it is…to cast a woman?
I mean, it’s science fiction, are?audiences supposed to believe a woman could do science and?not get her periods all over the space ship?
Sorry, but Tilda Swinton being the next Dr Who would absolutely ruin the programme. Someone like Ben Whishaw would be a loads better choice
? xana (@zanawelly) February 16, 2017
Tilda Swinton is a great actress and have no doubt she would do the role proud but for me a female Dr Who just feels wrong. #DrWho
? Chelle (@Chelle26f) February 16, 2017
“Tilda Swinton is favourite to become next Doctor” pic.twitter.com/77ZxBm09g1
? strategic hoe (@kyokokirigiri) February 16, 2017
“Tilda Swinton will be the next Doctor” pic.twitter.com/VNCcsEHDV2
? E. Harland (@ellen_harland) February 16, 2017
Overall though, the majority of people on Twitter seemed pretty happy about it.
A few rumours floating around that Tilda Swinton might be the next Doctor Who. That would be a great piece of casting. She’d be excellent.
? Paul Craig (@PaulMCraig) February 16, 2017
Tilda Swinton as the next Doctor is the most awesome concept I’ve encountered this week. #doctorwho
? Christine (@CrimTheThird) February 16, 2017
If this is true I would start watching Dr Who fanatically. https://metro.co.uk/2017/02/15/tilda-swinton-is-the-new-favourite-to-ride-the-tardis-next-in-doctor-who-6450796/
? Nathan Lee (@bekindtobignate) February 15, 2017
Kris Marshall, Maxine Peake, Olivia Coleman, Richard Ayoade and Ben Whishaw are also favourites to land the role.?Doctor Who’s outgoing executive producer Steven Moffat has previously hinted that it’s time a woman was the cast in the lead part. ?I think the next time might be a female Doctor. I don’t see why not,? Moffat said.