By Niamh ODonoghue
17th Jan 2017
17th Jan 2017
One of Obama’s final farewells to America is a strong and touching statement that women of colour will always be valued in American society.
For the first time in US history, Lady Liberty will appear as a woman of colour on a limited-edition $100 coin to commemorate?the 225th anniversary of the U.S. Mint – the body which circulates coins around the States.
The special $100 24-carat gold coin will be issued from April and will feature Lady Liberty in all her glory; dressed in a majestic?crown of stars.
The coin is to be distributed for collectors first, but it’s a huge step forward for the freedom and rights of African-Americans, particularly when #BlackLivesMatter was such a prevalent matter throughout the last 18 months (not to mention throughout the Trump campaign).
According to The Associated Press, subsequent coins will be produced through the year, which will portray Lady Liberty as Asian American, Hispanic American, and Indian American.
Lady Liberty is historically seen as a figure of freedom. We can’t help but reflect on the powerful message it sends to people of colour as Obama’s administration get’s ready to leave The White House:?America values you.
As if we didn’t need any more reasons to love?him.