02nd Jan 2019
02nd Jan 2019
In the run up to her wedding, IMAGE Publications CEO Clodagh Edwards made use of Gourmet Fuel, a service which delivers pre-cooked meals to your door. Here is how she got on
Why did you decide to use Gourmet Fuel?
I was getting married in two months and wanted to look and feel my absolute best on the day. I also needed all the energy I could muster to organise the wedding and to be able to fuel myself with healthy and delicious food, but didn’t really have time to cook meals every night.
What did Gourmet Fuel offer that no one else did?
Gourmet Fuel offers a personalised menu, depending on what your goals are, and delivers meals to your house.
I would receive deliveries twice a week, with three day’s worth of food, and water, in each delivery. I was then allowed one ‘cheat’ day off plan to eat what I wanted, within reason. Meals could be stored in the fridge and came in microwaveable containers. Everything was covered, so you did have to worry about an extra bits.
How did you enjoy the meals?
I can honestly say everything was delicious, in very satisfying portions, so I never felt hungry or deprived. I’d still get hormonal cravings from time to time, and on that week, I’d forgo my ‘cheat’ day and ration out a few treats to satisfy cravings. I tried to stay away from alcohol throughout the trial, although did allow myself two nights out in lieu of ‘cheat’ days.
Why was the service useful in the run-up to a wedding?
The service is useful for anyone with a busy lifestyle. Working twelve-hour days, plus trying to organise a wedding meant that instead of dialling the takeaway, I could reach into the fridge for a tasty, nutritious meal. It was such a relief at the end of a long day to have something in the fridge that I was looking forward to.
What kind of food was it?
The food was fresh and tasty, while also being healthy. It is the kind of food you would cook for yourself at home, if you had all the cooking skills and time in the world!
What was your favourite meal?
I loved the Superfood Chicken Salad and the Chicken Fajita Burrito Bowl. Both were tasty and left me satisfied and full.
Would you use the service again?
I would definitely use the service again, in fact I plan on using it once or twice a year to keep me on track. I couldn’t recommend it enough whether you have a wedding coming up, or just want a kickstart to a healthy eating plan.