By Megan Burns
17th Apr 2020
17th Apr 2020
It’s been an odd few weeks as we’re all in isolation from each other, but at least we have our thoughts to keep us company…
Who would have ever predicted that we’d all be spending weeks on end at home, with trips to the shop becoming the biggest event of the week. The coronavirus pandemic has certainly changed our lives completely, and as a result, we’ve all found ourselves adjusting to this new reality.
This has inevitably led to some strange thoughts running through our minds (please tell me it’s not just me). The thoughts below are obviously utterly mundane, a luxury at a time when plenty of people are out saving lives or performing other essential services, but perhaps you too, have had similar ponderings. If you haven’t, then you can congratulate yourself that you’re dealing with lockdown much better than I am.
“I love working from home. It’s just so empowering when you have the flexibility to map out your own day. I’m going to be so much more productive.”
“So it turns out sitting at your kitchen table with your laptop, it’s actually quite easy to be distracted by everything else going on in your house?”
“I could paint the living room, that would be a fun project.”
“Is this the third or fourth day in a row that I’m about to put these leggings on?”
“I should definitely take up yoga.”
“Why is a dressing gown not suitable to wear all day, when it’s essentially a cosier kind of wrap dress?”
“I wonder just how long leg hair can get? I guess I’m going to find out.”
“I finally have time to make all those recipes that I’ve never had time to. I’ll just make pasta tonight, but tomorrow I’ll definitely try something new.”
“Why does it feel like the 19th time I’ve done the washing up today?”
“What excuse can I make to not do my friend’s Zoom quiz? Dodgy wifi maybe? But then will she see that I’ve been posting banana bread pics on my stories?”
“I wonder does my dog think I’ve been fired?”
“Now is a great time to revolutionise my skincare routine, and I will re-emerge into society with a healthful glow like no one has ever seen before. Ooh, I’d forgotten about these 16 creams at the back of my bathroom cabinet, I should probably apply them all.”
“I wonder will I just have forgotten how to interact with people once this is all over?”
“Yes Netflix, I am still watching, not that it’s any of your business.”
“You’re going to light the fancy candle tonight. There are no special occasions that actually warrant a scented candle, so what on earth are you saving it for?”
“Now would be a great time to start that huge book I bought and never finished two years ago. I’m sure I’ll have the concentration for it now.”
“Why do I still schedule calls with people instead of just picking up the phone? They’re so unlikely to be busy, and they can just not pick up if they are. Why am I unable to do this?”
“I should definitely cut my hair into a bob. I’d look really cool and French, and not at all like someone who cut her own hair out of boredom.”
“It’s going to be so hard to get a hair appointment once the hairdressers is open again. Maybe I should DM them to see if they’d sneakily reserve me one.”
“I will NEVER again take for granted being able to go out and do whatever I want.”
Featured image: Paul Hanaoka via Unsplash
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