06th Jul 2017
Not all ten tweets here are Robert Kardashians, although they should be.
Okay this one kind of is.
Can we talk about the fact Donald Trump and Rob Kardashian essentially tweeted the same thing today
— sweet daddy (@callmedgoodz) July 5, 2017
I guarantee Donald Trump is more on top of this Rob Kardashian/Blac Chyna story than North Korea.
— Bess Kalb (@bessbell) July 5, 2017
The White House gender pay gap has more than tripled under Trump.
“The typical female staffer in Trump's White House earns 63.2 cents per $1 earned by a typical male staffer."
— Greg Hogben (@MyDaughtersArmy) July 5, 2017
Sometimes it seems like everything is spiralling out of control and then the universe tailors something so perfectly for you it’s hard to not believe in a higher power?
Margaret Atwood wants Drake for a Handmaid's Tale season 2 cameo
— Entertainment Weekly (@EW) July 5, 2017
Every year, Kathryn Ryan receives a heavily edited birthday card from her dad.
Like he's done every year, my dad has crossed out the passages that he doesn't feel apply to me in my birthday card.
— Katherine Ryan (@Kathbum) July 4, 2017
Kesha is returning with a new single, Praying, and we are very happy.
It’s been 10 years since Nicki Minaj debuted her first mixtape. Claps for Nicki.
I don’t think you’re ready for this jelly. TMZ have released a love letter Tupac wrote in prison in 1995 to Madonna explaining why he ended their relationship. The letter will go up for auction at the Gotta Have Rock and Roll sale this month.
New Tupac letter reveals his relationship with him and Madonna
— 2Pac News (@2pacnews) July 5, 2017
Happy Thursday!